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In this fortnightly blog, The Sandpit team share what we’re listening to, reading and attending over the forthcoming weeks. comments and recommendations are welcome as always!

What we’re reading:

Earlier this week Lewis, our social strategist attended TechHub’s relaunch of their highly successful event series: ’Startup Funeral’. The event, hosted out of Campus London, sees two founders of startups carry out a post-mortem on their failed startups. The talks deep-dived into the concept of failure and called for an increased awareness of failure. The event began with a reading from “the startup bible”, The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries.

For anyone who hasn’t read it yet, it is highly recommended. It focuses on how constant innovation creates radically successful businesses and the notion of remaining an agile organisation. For anyone that would like to have a read, you can find a link to purchase it here.

Richard, our Financial Controller, is currently reading ‘Mindfulness: 25 ways to live in the moment through art’, by Christophe André. The book teaches lessons of mindfulness, utilising classic pieces of art to illustrate his point. In the book he sets out 25 lessons which change the way you work and live, with stunning simplicity and clarity. You can find a link to the book here.

What we’re attending

On the May 31st, TechHub at Campus London are hosting an event on The future of Open Data. For the event, TechHub have partnered with The Open Data Institute, to talk on what innovation looks like in the market and where the market is going. To top it all of the event is also free – so there’s no excuse! You can find tickets to the event here.

On the same evening, #TechLawHub is hosting a meet up focused on ‘funding for tech companies. The guest speakers for the event are: Bill Earner (Managing partner of Connect Ventures), Nish Kukadia (Co-Founder of and (Tone Rosingholm (Angle Investor). The event is hosted from the WeWork in Old Street, you can find tickets to the event here.

On Thursday 26th May, Lewis, our Social Strategist attended the MENA Tech London meet up in Shoreditch. The event was setup by Tara Mikael & Mike Butcher, as a meetup in London for people from or interested in the MENA region, who work in tech business and entrepreneurship. 

You can find out more about the event by joining their Facebook group here.

What we’re listening to:

We recently rediscovered the amazing London-based, electronic musician, Joe Hertz. Earlier this month he launched ‘Chapter One’ an EP covering some of his great singles. You can find a link it here.

We at The Sandpit, have a Spotify playlist which is updated on a weekly basis. You can check it out here.

Something to add? Recommendation to make? Feel free to do so below!

Lewis Jones

Author Lewis Jones

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